Category Topics


Welcome to the CoSpaces Edu forum!

Building, Viewing and Sharing

Here you can find the answers to building-related questions, like how do I resize an object, can I import my own 360 images or is it possible to use external objects such as .stl files.


Are you looking for general information about CoSpaces Edu? Then this is the thread for you! You can use this section to post your own questions if they haven’t already been asked, discuss different features and their many possibilities or simply connect with other educators around the world!


CoSpaces Edu is a great tool for coding! With the use of CoBlocks and script languages, you and your students can make your virtual creations come to life. In this thread, you’ll find the answers to many different coding topics, from the basics of writing scripts to coding collision detection. Whether you’re a coding beginner or an experienced veteran, this thread can be used to gain helpful tips, share your fantastic creations or even help those new to coding.


Welcome to the CoSpaces Edu tutorial thread - a place where the community and the CoSpaces Edu team can post guides and tutorials, learn more about the tools that CoSpaces Edu has to offer and demonstrate how they code their virtual worlds!

Lesson Plans & Instructions

Welcome to this new forum section dedicated to sharing lesson plans and instructions for using CoSpaces Edu in the classroom!