2 Objekte einer Liste ansprechen - Address 2 objects of a list

2 Objekte einer Liste ansprechen
um weiche Übergänge bei Kamerafahrten zu programmieren möchte ich gerne zwei in einer Liste hintereinander liegende Kameras als Bewegungspositionen nutzen. wie kann ich während einer Listen Verarbeitung das nächste Objekt eine Liste ansprechen?
anbei ein kleiner Programmierversuch aus dem hoffentlich ersichtlich wird was ich tun möchte.

Address 2 objects of a list
in order to program smooth transitions during camera movements, i would like to use two cameras lying one behind the other in a list as motion positions. how can i address the next object in a list during list processing?
Here is a small programming attempt which hopefully shows what I want to do.

Hallo Michael,

I’m not sure why you would use multiple cameras, rather than one camera with multiple hidden objects or a list of positions. Nevertheless, have a look at CoSpaces Edu :: Switch between cameras and see the code below:

I hope that helps!

Geoff @ TechLeap

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Hallo Geoff, Danke für diesen Tipp, das ist genau die Lösung für mein Problem. Michael

Deine Kameras fahren sehr schön in die Position der nächsten Kamera. Hast du eventuell noch einen Tipp für mich, wie ich die bewegte Kamera auch gleich in die richtige Richtung Der ZielKamera drehen kann. meine Kameras zeigen nämlich in verschiedene Richtungen.

Hi Geoff, thanks for this tip, this is exactly the solution to my problem. Michael

Your cameras move very nicely into the position of the next camera. Do you have a tip for me how I can turn the moving camera in the right direction of the target camera. My cameras point in different directions.

That’s a little trickier to calculate. You are wanting the camera to smoothly change direction from one direction to another over a certain period of time. There is no single CoBlock which can do this.

@Nikolay , any ideas how this smooth rotation from one direction to another could work over time (in conjunction with movement), and would there be a case for having a CoBlock which can do this?

There is no such CoBlock. You could create a function for it using Move and Turn CoBlocks.

Yes, I know there is no CoBlock for this. Do you think it would be good to have a CoBlock that could do this? I do, as it changing direction over time seems “simple” but is fairly complex to implement, and there are currently similar CoBlocks for changing position and rotation over time.

Given that there is no way to calculate Euler angles from an object’s direction (see your reply at How the cospaces interpret the degrees), can you give an example of how you would achieve this smooth rotation over time from one direction to another?

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I agree it is not very convenient and we will discuss and think of it.

Here is an example for moving and rotating in (XY) plane:


Thanks for this @Nikolay - I think your code this demonstrates how difficult it is to do this in CoSpaces at the moment - and this is only for a single-axis rotation!!