I am working with my 6th grade math teacher to reinforce equations. Check out the template/ example below.
We used physics and a created scale to balance the weight of blocks and a hedgehog (manipulatives) to solve for an unknown.
I am working with my 6th grade math teacher to reinforce equations. Check out the template/ example below.
We used physics and a created scale to balance the weight of blocks and a hedgehog (manipulatives) to solve for an unknown.
Hi Aaron, thanks for sharing your template!
I think it would be helpful for teachers if you could add a little more explanation here or in the CoSpace description around how you’ve used this with students to build their math/coding knowledge.
It would also make it more useful to other teachers if you could make the CoSpace remixable, especially if instructions/notes are in the code.
Many thanks,
Geoff @ TechLeap
Hi Geoff et al.,
Fair feedback.
I’m working with my 6th grade math teacher on how to visually show the logic behind an equation. For my students, all of who have some sort of LD, the abstract nature of variables presents a serious challenge.
He and I spent a good deal of time constructing the scene in which a scale literally shows the balance of both sides of the equation. We used physics on cubes with a stated weight of 1kg and selected the hedgehog character from the library to represent X. The students will have to solve for hedgehog (X) by removing the same amount of cubes from both sides of the balance, then isolating the hedgehog to compute the weight of the character.
We used the snapping feature and embedded the lines on both sides of the scale to try to anticipate and eliminate user error. If the scales are unbalanced, the objects will tilt the scale off it’s balanced state. If done properly, the scale will remain balanced and ultimately, the value of the hedgehog will be revealed!
Once the students solve for X, they will be asked to duplicate the scene, compute and construct their own equations, then solve each other’s work.
I hope everyone enjoys this template!
Best to the CoSpace community,
Am I right - you can only place the objects in editor mode, not in play mode?
Wouldn’t it be better to find the solution in play mode with movable weights and objects like in this example?