Can I call js script function with coBlocks

Can I call js script function with coBlocks

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Hi @1240385495,

JS script calls are currently not supported via CoBlocks.

Feel free to share the space with us in which you want to trigger certain JavaScript behavior. What method do you need to make use of which is not in CoBlocks right now?


“currently not supported”. Are there a plan to support it in CoBlocks?
Can I control when the JavaScript behavior is triggered or is it executed as soon as the space is played?


Hello friends
I’m new to the community
Thanks for this active community

Can I call js script function with coBlocks !?

We had in our space a global variable that was language (1 English, 0 Spanish) since our virtual adventure made it bilingual. For that, there was a block of JavaScript in CoBlock before, but now, I do not know how to define that global variable and that it is accessible by the other spaces?