Coding a group of objects

Hi, I’m Rita. I made a group of Santa Claus, and I named it “Babbo natale gruppo”. I want to move foward it, but when I code in coblock it I can’t find “move… item"Babbo Natale gruppo” but I can select only “Santa Claus”
Probably I made a mistake. What’s wrong?
Thankyou very much

Hi Rita,

Please use group item that you named inside move. Drag and drop


İdiye Ökten

Hi Idiye, I made as you suggest me and until yesterday everything worked well. Today my “Santa Klaus carovana” doesn’t move and there is this message: "move text item no text item. What can I do?
Thankyou very much

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Hi @maria_rita_manzoni,

Try to remove the text item block. Then, in the item dropdown underneath, select your Santa Klaus carovana item

Thankyou Stefan, now it works well!


Yes :slight_smile: i realize that also. I think every Cospaces update we need to check our code. Every day it grows up :slight_smile:

Hugs from Turkey

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