Experiencing AI ethical dilemmas (with VR)

Hi CoSpaces Community!
Over the past year we at Coding For Tomorrow have spent a lot of time exploring the topic of AI and the ethical challenges it presents. We’ve created CoSpaces that allow students to explore ethical dilemmas related to artificial intelligence (AI). They examine various scenarios where AI is used in today’s world and consider the associated advantages and disadvantages. Through critical engagement with the topic, students develop their ethical judgment and learn to articulate their perspectives thoughtfully in complex situations.
The CoSpace “Ethical dilemmas with AI” is available in 10 different languages:
Spanish: LPW-QSC
Portuguese: CJR-VDX
Greek: GND-KNU
Albanian: LFL-FEE
Dutch: GEN-ZDZ
Romanian: YND-VUM
German: NDF-MBB
English: EJL-AMQ
Turkish: RJV-XXN
Italian: EWV-DWK

It becomes even more immersive when you use VR goggles to fully explore this AI city. Give it a try and discuss with your students the ethical dilemmas they encounter, as well as why addressing these issues is so important.

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