Keyboard navigation not functioning in Play mode

One of my students is unable to use the keyboard to navigate 3D Environments in Play Mode. Keystrokes w/ arrow keys & WASD simply have no effect. This is true of the CoSpace my student is currently creating and other CoSpaces from the Gallery, e.g., CoSpaces Edu :: speed parkour #목감코딩 학원. My student is using a school-issued Lenovo Chromebook. I can’t find any other evidence on my student’s Chromebook to suggest keystrokes have been disabled or are otherwise non-functional. This problem has persisted over 1 week now.

Keyboard navigation functions successfully for other students in the same class using their own school-issued Lenovo Chromebooks to play the same Gallery spaces within minutes of the first student attempting Play Mode navigation.

I, also, can also successfully navigate with the keyboard on my Lenovo PC the same Gallery spaces as well as the CoSpace my student is presently creating.

Has anyone run into this?


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Which keyboard is being used in the Chromebook settings?

My student’s device offers only the standard device keyboard (e.g., the Lenovo Chromebook). We’ve checked to ensure the English keyboard is being used.


Additional data to student keyboard problem – Could my student’s problem be related to my student’s CoSpaces account?

My student’s problem persists when they log on to CoSpaces using their own CoSpaces account on a DIFFERENT school-issued Lenovo Chromebook. I’m thinking this is not a a device problem.

Maybe double-check they have Pro access, and get in contact (private message via this platform) with support via @Stefan or @Ilya.Shkuratov