No cloning coblock?

im doing a project and my partner is working on a boss fight where he really needs a way to clone objects. any ideas?

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I suppose you are thinking about a function which will create duplications during a fight in playmode. Creative idea! @CoSpacesEdu @EdTechnocation @Giuseppe_Schiuma

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Hi @Noah_Terl, what kind of objects you need to clone? If they will be objects without animation it will be easy to create clones but, if you want to clone characters that you have to animate it’s impossible now with CoBlocks (you have to use Typescript).
Look at this CoSpaces:


Hi @Noah_Terl,

If you simply search this forum for “cloning” by clicking the search/magnifying glass icon at the top, you’ll find lots of answers to the same question, for example:

Hope that helps.
Geoff @ TechLeap