No coming back to scene 1 at the start of the cospace

Hello I have a problem about when playing my cospace I won’t start at the first scene but the last scene I saw the other reply on the same problem and it’s about variety but I don’t understand varieties I click on the link that they added but I still don’t understand even if it’s a short answer


Just save the project when you are in the last page. The project will start from there (if any code in this scene don’t change the scene to another one).


Thank you for the reply!

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Could you show me an example

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even if you replied i am still very confused saving the cospace on the last page won’t work and i don’t understand by (if any code in this scene don’t change the scene to another one). and I wanna share my CoSpaces with other people when doing that it always start at the last scene so I have no idea what to do and it’s a school project which is due soon

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You need to exit from the project in the last page.


haha oopies thank you very much you helped me a lot! sorry for not understanding do I owe you anything? it now works. I will add credits for you for helping me in the game in the end of the game there will be credits