Pico Neo 3 Headsets

Is the Pico Neo 3 supported? Anyone know about the diff in terms of pricing between 3 and Pico G2 Vr sets?

Hi @warren_grieve,

At this time the Pico Neo 3 is not supported (yet). The following Pico devices are supported by CoSpaces Edu.

| Device name     |
| Pico Neo 2      |
| Pico G2 4k      |
| Pico G2         |
| KT G2           |
| KT G2 4K        |
| Pico Neo 2 Lite |
| LG G2           |
| LG G2 4K        |
| JP2C G2 4K      |
| HKT 4K          |
| AIS G2 4K       |

Hi @Stefan ,

Is there an ETA to this? The Pico Neo 3 is a great headset for schools.


one year later, I had to ask again: Do you plan to support the Pico Neo 3 headset? That*ll be great!


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Hello @Stefan the school district I work for is interested in using this product, but we only have access to Pico Neo 3 devices as was mentioned previously here is there a plan to support this model?

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We have Pico Neo 3 Pro at School and I’d like to know more about that. I cannot find the App in the Pico store. Is it possible to use that using the browser or any other way ? Thank you.


Hi there,
I’ve seen that Pico Neo 3 Pro are now supported and I was able to download the app from the Pico store . I can use CoSpaces perfectly but the problem is that the movement with the controller does not happen. I can move by walking but not with the controller. Any help ?

Thank you.