Scans not working . - The link to the project.

Picture of the issue

The scans that used to work are no longer working. We used a structure sensor and the app iseezit. Any idea why this is happening?

Files I attached and sent them in as one. scan%20files%20pic It will not let me attach the files here in the post.

Looking for help as we are trying to get our kids scans up here soon. These current scans in this particular scene have been working for over a year.

Noticing that on some of my files textures brought in from sketch have disappeared recently for example you can see here the files in the back are missing textures, so I re-uploaded the raven file (its in the front) and it now has them. Was there an update of some kind?

Hi @Outpost_31 and @mpage,

our developers have identified the issue and are working on a fix.

Could you verify that this bug persists for new obj files you drag and drop into your scenes?

It isn’t happening with new ones I have dragged in. I even put in the same one yesterday and it worked.

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Seem fine now, what is your current max file size?

Right now we advise to keep 3D items under 50 MB (including textures). This is both to keep the space performance at a good level and the loading time relatively short.

All new items dragged and dropped into your spaces should be working fine now. The old ones can only be manually replaced, or edited by our developers. Please get in touch with me via PM if you need a space quickly fixed.