How to jump in VR

Sorry everyone you are probably very annoyed with me for commenting so much but I have a way that I think could make the jump button using the back triggers on quest 2. It is basically the same principle that Fairview came up with but you enclose the camera in a shape (i.e. a cylinder and 2 circles) then attach that to the camera so wherever you point the controller you can press the back trigger to jump.

It doesn’t really work on Laptop though because it makes it harder to turn but for vr I think it should work.

I have also refined the jump amount as I saw that 10 was a bit much (I did some calculations to get this number: 1.861884449996935. This is how many pixels jumping normally in cospaces is. So as 10 was close i went to 8 pixels [after trial and error] then as it was 1.8 and i had 8 i decided to add the 61884449996935 to it.

Hey everybody huge thanks to @pavlina for letting me join her class.
Here is the link for the vr jump: CoSpaces Edu :: Jumping in Vr/Mobile
I hope someone can use this. (if you want to get rid of the cylindrical object set its opacity to 0%)
This doesn’t work great on laptop so only use in vr


Thank You for joining! Really appreciate your input.

Hi everyone, for a school project I had to make a cospace parkour game and we got to use class vr sets to explore them. Jumping didn’t work but when I added the code to my classmates games they were able to jump I have also been able to complete my game I made in vr. The Game with no vr jump is this one:CoSpaces Edu :: Final CoSpaceEasy
But the one with Vr jump in this one:CoSpaces Edu :: Final CoSpaceVR/Mobile

I don’t know if this is solved though.

That sounds exciting!