Hi there. I’m trying to upload nice high-resolution 3d models to CoSpaces. But I think there is some substantial post-processing going on after upload that drastically reduces the resolution of the mesh and also the texture. I’m using GLB files, created from a mesh with 200,000 faces, and a texture that is a 4Kx4K PNG. The resultant object looks awful in CoSpaces after loading. I have kept the model to under 50MB, it’s around 39MB total
This is a great shame, because the exact same GLB looks wonderful directly in e.g. a ClassVR headset.
I’d like to get them looking good in CoSpaces so that we can add ambient sound, and a guided-tour style experience in both web (desktop) and ClassVR headsets.
Any help greatly appreciated. I cannot share directly with you the example GLB as the data is tightly held by the traditional owners of the rock art.