Ball clips through floor


I have created a tilt ball game controlled by user head movements, but the ball clips through the floor if the floor moves too quickly. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Hi @lpancoast,

The easiest way to make sure that your ball is not falling through the floor is to increase the thickness of your Floor1 Physics collision item.

This will give our collision detection more volume to consider when calculating your ball’s collisions :slight_smile:

Below is a remixable space with a thicker floor.

What does it mean for a space to be remixable?

Hi @lpancoast,

A remixable space can be copied to your My Spaces / Free play- dashboard. When clicking the link of a remixable space, you can copy it by pressing the remix button.

Please keep in mind that the button is only visible when you are logged into CoSpaces Edu.

I do not see a remix button. I know I am logged into CoSpaces Edu because I have My Classes open in another tab.

I am running Firefox 66.0.3 on Windows 10.

From what I see, you are working on this space inside a class of another teacher, but you yourself don’t have a CoSpaces Edu PRO subscription. Remixing spaces is a PRO-only feature, thus it is not available on your account.

If you, in fact, are a student and signed up as a teacher by accident, then you should convert your account to student account: the button is available in the user menu on the right of CoSpaces Edu dashboard, below your userpic, in “Account actions” section. After converting your account to student account you will be able to remix spaces as long as your teacher has a running PRO subscription.

Keep in mind that you should convert your account to student account if and only if you are a student. Once you convert, you will lose access to all features of CoSpaces Edu intended for teachers and won’t be able to convert back.

When converting to a student account a message pops up warning that everything I have created will be destroyed. Does that include the spaces that I have created in the classes, like the one I linked to above?

This will destroy only classes where you have a teacher role (those classes that you created yourself). Classes where you are a student (and your assignments there) will still be with you.