Cannot view graphics from the Image Library in iPad

We are using ios 15.2.1 on our school iPads and when trying to create we cannot view any of the graphics fro the library. I’m assuming something is getting blocked our my school’s end, but my Tech Support wasn’t sure what to do. I included a screen shot.

Any suggestions?

@Stefan maybe you can help.

  • One idea: did you controll your internet connection? Maybe it’s too low :thinking:
  • Three questions 1. Do you see the other objects in the other sections? 2. Did you check this problem after an hour if is it’s still present). 3. Do you have other devices in your school and did you try to connect with one of them? Did the have the same issue?

I have IOS 15.2.1 on my Ipad but I never had any problem. I hope you will risolve your problem as soon as possibile. :wave:

Thank you for your help! I don’t control the connection, I am in a classroom and all of mys students experience the same issue. We have a very strong connection and my students with Chrome Books do not have any problems through the website. I have tried at different times and reinstalled the app and it continues to show the same thing. I have to think there is something with the connection getting blocked on our end but my tech support can’t figure out what that would be.

If I was in your situation I should contact the CoSpaces support Center CoSpaces Edu contact form

PS:I’m curious how this story end. Let me know

Thank you SO much for your time an help! I will let you know what happens!
