I’m on iOS and I’ve been running through a problem recently with Cospaces : i tried (with either the QR code or the 6 letter code) to reach the “Museo de el Buscon” (code LRR-FJX), but there’s nothing to do. The app will either not scan the QR code (even if the camera stares at it for several minutes) or say “your code seems incorrect” (when i try to go via the 6 letters code). Is there anyone here who could help me with that ?
Thanks for your replies.
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Hi @ArseneTICE I just tried to connect with my Ipad pro. Very nice museum I didn’t notice any difficulty to connect. I used the LRR - FJX code. Be attend because your reached 904 views. I hope your CoSpaces is pubblished in the public gallery otherwise at 1000 views your CoSpaceswill not be visibile for public views anymore.
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