Chemistry - molecule viewing


As a science teacher (at heart), I wanted to see how I could bring this into supporting students with learning and understanding the 3D models of molecules.
Here is my first try at creating the molecule (methane - CH4) in TinkerCAD and then importing it into CoSpaces.

I was thinking about having it in VR but thought more and in the MERGE cube was a better idea. Would love any feedback - both good and constructive welcome!

I would like to import the colours that I used in TinkerCAD - has anyone done that before?


Hi Andrew,

You just need to unzip and extract the MTL and OBJ files from the ZIP file from TinkerCad, select both files, and drag them into your CoSpace - the colours should appear.

However, with the simplicity of your model, you’ll have a much easier time creating and colouring using the basic building blocks available in CoSpaces, in Library > Building. This would also give you the ability to animate molecules and atoms in ways you couldn’t with an imported model.

Geoff @ TechLeap

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Many thanks for that help I updated it and looks great!!

While the basic blocks are found in CoSpaces, thought it would be fun for the students to be able to make the molecules in TinkerCAD first. I have found it a little easier for creating 3D models (and maybe I could give the students a choice to 3D print them too.)

(I have started to explore with doing the same project with CoSpaces shapes and coding and it seems ok.). Thanks for the suggestion!

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