Feature request: automated remix attribution

Hello I assigned a final project that would have my students create an escape room. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure that some students have remixed someone else’s project from the gallery, and just changed the color of the scenes. Is there a way to tell if a project has been remixed? I don’t want to go through the entire gallery to find the one that they copied and turned in. TIA


Hi @leon_moore,

There is currently no way to tell if a project has been remixed, but I absolutely agree that there should be, as it’s critical for assessment and proper attribution (digital citizenship/creative commons). @Coralie @Stefan @Tamara.Koehler

I’ve renamed this topic to be a feature request, have tagged it as such, and notified CoSpace Edu staff.

This is the 2nd post on this topic in the last 6 weeks!

Many thanks,
Geoff @ TechLeap


Thank you @leon_moore and @techleapnz, I’ve relayed this feature request to the team!


Hey, @leon_moore! Are you starting the students with an Assignment? If so, they should be locked in to what ever CoSpace is attached to that Assignment and that would prevent them from using a remixed Space, I think.


Hi @leon_moore when I save a remix I give it a’new title’ in the new title I add a @ sign and the name of the original creator. I also mention the original creator in the description of our new CoSpaces. PS: I really like your question

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Hello Astrid,
Thanks for the tip! But, the issue is that students are turning in remixed projects as their own for a grade. I had to manually go into the gallery and check each one to see where they got the project.

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I can understand this can become a problem . I could be interesting have a antiplagiat control or a remix mark. My students love to create and I’m happy if they learn to take ispiration for others.

Penso che il “Remix” sia una cosa fantastica, aiuta a migliorarsi, a migliorare la fantasia, a migliorare un progetto, a portare nuove idee, trasformare un progetto del singolo in un progetto collaborativo e tanto, tanto altro. Si dovrebbe insegnare a chi “Remixa” in che modo indicare il nome del progettista originale, @nome come hai detto tu Astrid mi sembra perfetto. Personalmente farei inserire un commento nel codice a blocchi con il nome dell’autore, il titolo originale e le indicazione delle parti modificate, eliminate o aggiunte.

I think that the “Remix” is a fantastic thing, it helps to improve oneself, to improve the imagination, to improve a project, to bring new ideas, to transform an individual project into a collaborative project and much, much more. Should be taught who “Remixes” how to indicate the name of the original designer, @name as you said Astrid seems perfect to me. Personally I would insert a comment in the code with the name of the author, the original title and the indication of the parts modified, deleted or added.


Very interesting request what do you think about @techleapnz @EdTechnocation @Stefan @Giuseppe_Schiuma

Remixing really requires a chain of attribution, so that all changes or improvements to a project are noted and attributed.

I would like to see this implemented sooner rather than later.

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Totally agree! We never give up and see out for the feature @CoSpaces_Edu