How do I teach a class of 14 years old kids?

I am terrifying and at a loss of what to do as I will be teaching a classroom of 14 years old kinds about CoSpaces VR in about 10 days.

I would like to seek advise how to go about teaching them, how to even start the lesson etc.

How can I create a CoSpace myself before I start? Do i need to sign up as a student as well before I can practise ?

I tried to create one and then i read that we need license. There is no free trial at all ?

I really need this job, so please share with me how do I start. Tks.

Hi @tangaraIsNobody

There is indeed a free trial for you to try out - you just need to sign up on the website and click on the basic/free option when signing up, as pictured below :slight_smile:

If you are just wanting to practice using CoSpaces, it’s a good place to start and I would recommend you starting with a teachers account.

And this is a link to pretty much all you need to know about getting started with CoSpaces Edu

I hope that helps!


But, when i logged in, it brought me to CoSpaces Edu: Make AR & VR in the classroom straight away. Does it mean that I have to create a separate account ?

@tangaraIsNobody Can you attach a screenshot of what you’re seeing when you log in, please?


@tangaraIsNobody thank you for sharing! If you click on the CoSpaces tab in the left menu underneath classes, you’ll be able to create your own CoSpace from there.

This video also demonstrates how to create a CoSpace :slight_smile: