How to let camera collide into a wall (whilst being attached to a character)


Doing this for a CTEC assignment and just started. I’m trying to code in a escape room and so far have managed to attach the camera to a character and be able to walk around. Problem is the character and camera being able to collide, I’ve figured out how to let the character to collide because of the physics mechanic but the camera can’t. It doesn’t matter if the code is coblocks typescript or python I just need to manage to code this in. Please help :slight_smile:

Hi @zakche :slight_smile:

Can you please share your CoSpace with us so we can take a look for you?

Please make sure the CoSpace is remixable so we can see the code, thanks!

The classroom I’m in doesn’t let me share if you don’t mind giving me a day or two so that I can get my teacher to configure it and then I will.

No problem at all - we’ll be here to help :slight_smile:

Hi. Sorry for late response, I can’t get my teacher + I’ve decided I’m going to change how I’m doing it so I won’t have a character thats attached to my camera acting as me and will just have a camera. Thanks though.

@zakche no worries, thanks for the update! If you ever need help and can’t share the CoSpace in the future, feel free to post again and copy and paste the full code or screenshots of the code with us so we can see how to best help you.

Good luck with your project! :star_struck:

Hi, don`t know if I understood very good the problem you have, but the Camera has the setting Collision, so you just have to select it in order for it to not pass through objects.