hello. I want to ask a question about the 360 degree environment. I put several GIF animal pictures on a 360 degree background, and added background music. However, when I play it, it plays well on my laptop, but when I play it on my phone, only a sound comes out, or there is no sound, but only a few animals out of several animals. capacity is not large. The problem is that some times it plays well and some times it doesn’t play well.If anyone knows please let me know, I would be really grateful…
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I can only see a soundless elephant and hear background music.
I have had a look at the scene you have shared and based of the devices I have tried it on, it might be down to the most up to date software on the device. On my phone the 360 image and the elephant worked fine no issues.
Have you attached the elephant sound to the elephant via the code blocks? If done this way the background sound would play all the time but if you clicked on the elephant for example it would only make the sound when clicked.
Over the other animals are they the same format as the elephant?
Hope this helps.
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