I want to create a voting system within a cospace for a VR Democracy lesson

Hello Everybody,

Im new around here so Please tolerate my “ignorante questions/doubts”.

I’m creating a virtual parlament where students will group themselves in parties and will present, discuss and debate various issues which will go to voting after.

I need help to be able to create a system that when the President of the Parlament will trigger the voting moment, this will activate a system of 3 bottoms (favour, against, abstain) and count each vote ,presenting the result in a screen.

I’m not a programer, and I’m a bit lost here with coblocks.
Can anyone more experienced be able to help me?

Thank you for your time and patience.


In fact, if you want to make a multiplayer game it’s almost impossible (to my knowledge). I’ve also never heard of cospace software. Supports cloud variables to store data online, you can try other platform like roblox, unity, Scratch,…

On the contrary, if you want to create a single-player game in cospaces, it is possible

Hello Henry.

Thank you for your feedback, but I think you didn’t understood my solicitation for help, and the fault may be mine.

So I’m going to try to clarify it:

I’m not trying to do a game.

I’m trying to do a Multi-environment cospace, where the kids will discuss and participate in simulations of a democratic parlament through a voting system.

Of course this can be done easily throught a question and vote. The presincet asks “whos in favour?” or “whos against?” or “whos abstain?” and an action option will make each one, for example, raise from the chair, increase size and raise the arm, and then they will be counted.

But to me the option of an automated system makes it more interactive. More appeling for the kids.

I want to identify a way that, when the president of the parlament iniciates the process, it activates a 3 botton system (favour, against and abstain) where the participants will define their option (again= favour, against, and abstain).

Simultanously, the rotine will create 3 counters, one for each option, that will count each vote, of that type and will print it in a board or in space the rotation results (total votes; total in favour, total against, total abstain).

I can imagine easily an algorithm for this process and I think that advanced codeblocks or even pyton will allow to do this. But …. Help :slight_smile:

Neverthless, thank you for your care.


this my test .u can try this:

i don’t known


Hi @tfeio_cospaces we’ve also prepared a quick example of how to set up a voting system.

Let us know if you still need help!

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Amazing, and thank you very much.

I was sure it was possible to do this!!!
I’m going to study your solution and try to integrate it. If I have need of support or any doubt I will give you a touch.

Once again, Tjhhank you


This is so funny.

Thank you very much for you help. I’m going study it, and try to recreate in my parliament.
If I need some help I’m going to ask you for some help again.

And once again, thank you very much,


As said in previous its amazing your proposal and also very close to what its needed (thought) for the cospace. But I cvan’t integrate your solution in my cospaces to be able to study, and learn with your example.

How can I access the code done?


Hi @tfeio_cospaces sorry about that! We’ve made the CoSpace remixable now - this way you should be able to view the code :slight_smile:

Thank you very much.

I was able to analyse your code. Very simple and clean solution.


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