Im making a game about chance but

Hello! I’m currently making a game where you go through multiple stages based around chance! -----> CoSpaces Edu :: chance game that I'm gonna make but I need help with . I have a problem though, I’m working on the first of many stages where you have to pick a random door, 3/4 are good, 1/4 is a bad door, but my coding sometimes glitches and makes it so there are 2 good doors, or 3 good doors but no bad doors. I’ve been thinking about changing the coding as a whole but I want to see if I can find help first, thank you.

Hi @Caseoh_fights,
The elements in a list at Cospaces Edu have indexes from zero (four doors: 0, 1, 2, 3). That’s why you are experiencing problems with your doors.
Here are some CoBlocks that might be useful in your game (make all the doors green from the beginning):

Have a nice day!