In Transform coding, "set position of" is missing

I am using the tutorial for creating a Parkour game. It gives the example of using the “set position of” code in the transform section. It is not listed in the code. It has transitions, rotation, and scale. Position is missing. I was wondering how to get it to display. Thank you.

Hi @jill

I believe our team has gotten back to you regarding this being the case due to a Basic account which doesn’t have access to more advanced CoBlocks.

If you need help with anything else, please let us know :slight_smile:

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I have a pro account. I am using the Hansel and Gretel Storytelling example from CoSpaces with my students. We are trying to recreate the code from the video. There is a section in the video where they show how to code Hansel dropping breadcrumbs as he walks along a path. The code is

Orange - When play is clicked
Orange - When is clicked
Blue - set position of <Purple - create copy of breadcrumb>
Blue - to position of

The issue I am having is that I don’t have the blue, “set position to” block in my code. Is there a workaround. I have students trying to recreate this scene. Thanks for your help!