Infinite world is possible?

when we use normal camera be character you can go outside world border in cospaces
but went we attached camera to another object with simple movement code camera can move out size world border like border just prevent cameraItem but not prevent obj like capsule or cuboid,… and we need some terrain code to make world more colorful
(using perline noise or sth like that).

when we move too far grid will disappear and leave will white platform

movement code for obj:



Hi @HenryHuy, congratulations - you found the hack! You can use the normal camera to do this - just override the standard camera movements with move on keypress events.

CoSpaces exist in a “skybox” - a sphere which contains the environment outside the grid.

Did you know there’s also an infinite vertical column above the grid which you can build within and access? Go into Fly mode on Camera, set the speed to maximum, and press E to go up, up, up, out of the Skybox. Example:

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Lol i think that features :v
like this:

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