Intro to Dante's "Divina Commedia"

Hello everyone, I created a lesson plan for a teacher training course on immersive teaching. I think it is important to involve not only the STEM disciplines within the methodological and didactic innovation but also, and above all, the expressive and humanistic ones. This first lesson serves to bring students closer to the study of the Divine Comedy through storytelling and coding. I hope it will be useful …

intro Divina Commedia (2).pdf (4.8 MB)


Wow Giuseppe this bilingual lesson plan.
Thanks for sharing.

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Molto interessante Giuseppe, io ho in programma di realizzare con i miei ragazzi l’Inferno, il Purgatorio e il Paradiso con Cospaces Edu
Grazie per la condivisone

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Grazie @Marilena_Ferraro, a breve condividerò un progetto realizzato su Dante in chiave STEAM.