Looking for Guidance on How to Include CoSpaces EDU in the Middle School Curriculum

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I could appreciate some guidance and thoughts from any of you with experience in this area as a middle school teacher trying to incorporate CoSpaces EDU with my curriculum.

My objective is to employ virtual reality and three-dimensional settings to produce dynamic, interesting classes that improve students’ comprehension of a variety of disciplines.

I have the following specific queries:

Subject Integration: Which topics or subjects do you think CoSpaces EDU most effectively enhances? :thinking:

Applications related to science and history particularly interest me, but I’m also open to recommendations for other disciplines.

Project Ideas: Which activities or projects have you successfully completed with your students? :thinking:

If there were any particular projects that were extremely fascinating or educational, be sure to let me know.

Student Engagement: When using CoSpaces EDU, how do you maintain students’ motivation and interest? Are there any particular tactics or features that you find most helpful on the platform? :thinking:

Technical Difficulties: When utilising CoSpaces EDU throughout the classroom, have you run into any technical issues? :thinking:

If yes, describe how you conquered them.

Assessment: what’s included in the technique for judging student work produced in CoSpaces EDU? :thinking:
Any advice on grading standards or rubrics are going to be appreciated greatly.

Collaboration: Have you worked on group projects using CoSpaces EDU? If yes, how do you oversee and foster collaboration for learners on the platform? :thinking:

I also checked this :point_right: https://blog.cospaces.io/getting-started-with-cospaces-edu-mlops but didn’t get any clarification yet.

I can’t wait to hear your recommendations and absorb knowledge from your experiences. I appreciate your help and time in advance.

Thank you :pray: in advance.