Hi there, I have a teacher who had signed up for a PD session as a student but now wants to create with her students but cannot because she is listed as a student. Can she just delete her account in the settings and re-sign up? Any other options?
Just to add to this, is submitting to CoSpaces EDU the only way to change an account from student to teacher? If there could be an update to the licensing portal I would suggest that we can see which email address they used to sign up. What happens sometimes is that they have 2 accounts on the go but aren’t sure which ones. So, if we could at least see which email they used for an account that would help in troubleshooting. Thanks @Coralie@CoSpacesEdu
I am in the same situacion. I have a student account and I would like to be changed to a teacher profile. Could ypu please tell the steps to follow? I cannot find the way to delete my student account.
I met a situation like this once but i managed to find a way to delete student accounts. Another really helpful user helped me with this one so I’ll just extract his solution here!
Unfortunately, there is no way to directly delete a student account from the student account itself. I think you will have to make another teacher account, have the student join the class, and then delete the student account FROM the teacher account. In my opinion, the @CoSpaces_Edu team should have students be able to delete accounts.