Moving in a VR CoSpace and Interacting with objects with only a phone and a viewer


I am trying to create a game that I would like to use in VR. I have a simple box viewer that I strap my iPhone into. I can see my cospace in VR, but I cannot move or interact with any of my objects in my cospace.

I am brand new to all of this and know nothing about coding or using VR. My students will have the same setup as me (a phone and a viewer), so how do I get them to walk in my cospaces and then interact with the objects?

To be more specific, they have to answer questions. So it is essential that they can click on an answer choice. I have tried connecting controllers to my iPhone via bluetooth, but they will not work with CoSpaces app.

What am I doing wrong? Or is there no way to actually interact in VR without using a PC?

In VR mode, there’s a small dot in the center of the screen called the reticle, which acts as the mouse pointer. Touching anywhere on the smartphone’s screen, regardless of the position, serves as a mouse click.

Place the reticle (black dot) over the object you want to interact with, and then touch the screen. This will click on the object.

Thank you for your reply.