Moving upstairs

How do you make a person move upstairs using CoBlocks


Hi @Bruce_Schwartz
If you could tell more about it.
it would help a ton since i dont know if you want a cospace 3D character to move upstairs or just the camera/player to move up stairs :grin:

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Can you share your CoSpaces?

First rule never scale stairs.
Second rule: use the CoSpaces magic stairs
I use the walk mode.

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I have the same question. What behavior has to be added in the CoBlocks for a character to move up or downstairs.

Hi @Betzabe_Orenos to make your character walk up and/or down the stairs, you’ll need to create the following conditions:

I hope this helps!


It worked! It worked! Thank you so much!!! :partying_face::raised_hands:t2:

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