Oculus Quest support

Hello, struggling to get CoSpaces via firefox for students to enter their share code to view their spaces. Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Mike,

Can you share more detail around the particular issue you’re having with the share code?

When outlining issues for testers, I’ve always found it to useful to state:

  1. A brief outline of the issue
  2. Steps required to replicate the issue
  3. Expected outcome
  4. Actual outcome

Sometimes this is overkill, but the main thing is to give clarity and detail for those who might be investigation the issue.

Geoff @ TechLeap


Hey Geoff, let me see if I can explain the issue. Thanks for the help.

  1. We have oculus quests and I want the kids to put in the 6 digit share code when they go into Firefox browser then to CoSpaces. When they at the CoSpaces website, I do not see the hand with the dots to allow them to put in a share code. They have to log in. This defeats the purpose of kids viewing other students projects in VR. Am I missing something?

  2. I think I said the steps above. On the quest - firefox browser - cospaces website - looking for the share hand icon?

  3. I would like the kids to log into a quest and cospaces on firefox and put their classmates share code to view their classmates projects.

  4. Actual outcome is getting to the cospaces browser and not finding the share icon (hand with 3 dots).

Does this explain the issue well enough?


Hi Mike,

Just like on desktop, they need to go to the Gallery to see the hand icon. Are they doing this?

Geoff @ TechLeap


I will have to check that piece. Thanks


They will need to click on the 3-dash menu (tablet view) to click the Gallery link, or alternatively go to edu.cospaces.io

I’m putting together a video on this - will share when ready.

Geoff @ TechLeap