Hello @CoSpaces_Edu, after logging in on coSpaces I found my licence had expired; Previously I could purchase a single seat for (I believe) 1 euro for a year, now it is 50 euros for the first seat specifically.
As somebody who uses cospace on his own, likes making games and helping others make theirs, I think this is just to steep for me to afford and I would find it a shame to have to leave coSpaces, the games that I made and these forums because of economic reasons.
I understand it’s a struggle to find a balace as a company especially when it comes to seat licencing like this, whereby having a price of 1 euro a piece might not be economically viable for you;
However as a suggestion I would like to throw up the idea of somehow a single or personal licence that still allows use of all of the coblocks, how exactly to proof this so that it is not taken advantage of by institutions I am not sure; But leave this up to you if you do take this into considiration.
All in all I thoroughly enjoyed my first steps into game design using coSpaces, and hope to be able to return sometime soon through perhaps a different plan, eitherway I am still very thankfull for the help I’ve recieved here on the forums and all of the enthusiasm I’ve gotten for my games!