Python for disabling next scene

I need the python code for this i have tried everything
Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 2.48.47 PM

Hi @MrB! And I’m back to the forum everyone :melting_face:

The code you need is
gui.hud.scene_navigation_visible = False

If you need to toggle scene navigation on / off, you can use the code below
gui.hud.scene_navigation_visible = not gui.hud.scene_navigation_visible

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

CoRichardLi :heart:

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Hi CoRicharLi

Thank you so much!

Hi CoRichard,

I need some help please with the following code:

What I need it to do is when both keys are clicked and door is clicked, I go to the next scene. However, I’m confused on the code logic for that on python. I also want to incorporate sound logic. For example when a key is clicked, a sound play, when the door is clicked, a sound effect word “Victory” plays

This what I have already:
my code is: from cospaces import*

Retrieve scene items

twig = scene.get_item(“BBzbSPnu”)
info_panel = scene.get_item(“ZiMJpf1q”)
twig_message = scene.get_item(“aHmCHzIz”)
key = scene.get_item(“WlrqC5iG”)
key_message = scene.get_item(“IbYpk0zW”)
vent = scene.get_item(“pq4Cxg5T”)
info_message = scene.get_item(“pFBSg51i”)
camera = scene.get_item(“2ga0RXGg”)
character = scene.get_item(“Z2O57Dq5”)
pan = scene.get_item(“SiNOYOkg”)
pan_message = scene.get_item(“fflMISlI”)
door = scene.get_item(“EQidbZN4”)
sound = scene.get_item(“r3/3wf72AJ8E7kho9XBKkTW5sbnpita77C7FVN0cUShRXQ”)
volcano = scene.get_item(“n3hHZOHg”)
lava_message = scene.get_item(“yDXglkE6”)
lever1 = scene.get_item(“kpmaSOGE”)
lever1_text = scene.get_item(“BztZOjF9”)
lever2 = scene.get_item(“H2fZirDr”)
lever2_text = scene.get_item(“EvedMSH6”)
power = scene.get_item(“1RhGKBRl”)
key_1 = scene.get_item(“qNqPVSKI”)
key_2 = scene.get_item(“oqxTsymN”)
door_1 = scene.get_item(“aBHCVazv”)
keypad = scene.get_item(“haCQUXId”)

Laser IDs

laser_ids = [
“gYldaKMV”, “pxNV6Ywo”, “l2yywyoR”, “eDqhxoUL”, “1rEOk1aH”,
“eF5lQSWj”, “a6Jrwb8g”, “StmRBt3d”, “Ew2V6HCY”, “T5eFybu3”,
“bahiiDLl”, “JNjUYfbC”, “yAD11dFX”, “GPQOuTX4”
lasers = [scene.get_item(laser_id) for laser_id in laser_ids]

Flags to check if the twig, key, pan, and lava have been clicked

twig_clicked = False
key_clicked = False
pan_clicked = False
lava_clicked = False
power_interactable = False
vent_clicked_once = False # Track if the vent has been clicked once
vent_clicked_twice = False # Track if the vent has been clicked twice

Flags to track if both keys have been clicked

key1_clicked = False
key2_clicked = False

def show_info_panel():
info_panel.text = “Level 1: Mission\nRescue your friend and escape the jail!”
info_panel.visible = True
time.schedule(hide_info_panel, 2)

def hide_info_panel():
info_panel.visible = False

def show_pan_message():
pan_message.text = “Pan now in inventory!”
pan_message.visible = True
time.schedule(hide_pan_message, 2)

def hide_pan_message():
pan_message.visible = False
pan_message.opacity = 0.0

def on_twig_click():
global twig_clicked
twig.opacity = 0.0
twig_message.text = “Twig now in inventory”
twig_message.visible = True
twig_clicked = True
time.schedule(hide_twig_message, 3)

def hide_twig_message():
twig_message.visible = False

lever1_text.visible = False
lever2_text.visible = False
def open():
if keyFound is True:“Open”)
global doorOpened
doorOpened = True

def find():
global keyFound
keyFound = True
key.opacity = 0.0

def check_door_unlock():
global doorOpened
if key1_clicked and key2_clicked and not doorOpened:“Open”)
doorOpened = True

def teleport_player():
# Teleport the player (camera) 1000 meters away
camera.transform.position = Vector3(1000, 0, 0) # Adjust the coordinates as needed

def on_key1_click():
global key1_clicked
key1_clicked = True
key_1.opacity = 0.0 # Make key1 disappear after clicking
check_door_unlock() # Check if the door should unlock

def on_key2_click():
global key2_clicked
key2_clicked = True
key_2.opacity = 0.0 # Make key2 disappear after clicking
check_door_unlock() # Check if the door should unlock

def on_key_click():
global key_clicked
if twig_clicked:
key_message.opacity = 1.0
key_message.text = “Unlocked the lock! Received a screw!”
key_message.visible = True
key_clicked = True
time.schedule(hide_key_message, 5)

def hide_key_message():
key_message.visible = False
key_message.opacity = 0.0

keypad.opacity = 0.0

def on_vent_click():
global vent_clicked_once
global vent_clicked_twice

if key_clicked:
    if not vent_clicked_once:
        info_message.text = "Unscrewed the vent."
        info_message.visible = True
        time.schedule(hide_info_message, 5)
        vent_clicked_once = True  # Mark vent as clicked once
    elif vent_clicked_once and not vent_clicked_twice:
        vent_clicked_twice = True  # Mark vent as clicked twice
        keypad.opacity = 1.0  # Make the keypad visible on the second click
        # Perform the teleport action
        camera.transform.position = Vector3(0, 0, 0)

def hide_info_message():
info_message.visible = False

def on_character_click():
if hasattr(character, ‘animation’):“cheer”)
if hasattr(character, ‘text’):
character.text = “Thank you!”
if hasattr(character.text, ‘visible’):
character.text.visible = True
time.schedule(hide_thank_you_message, 3)

def hide_thank_you_message():
if hasattr(character, ‘text’) and hasattr(character.text, ‘visible’):
character.text.visible = False

def on_pan_click():
global pan_clicked
if vent_clicked_twice: # Only allow interaction with the pan after the vent is clicked twice
pan_message.text = “Pan now in inventory!”
pan_message.visible = True
pan_clicked = True
pan.opacity = 0.0 # Make the pan disappear after clicking
time.schedule(hide_pan_message, 5)

def on_volcano_click():
global lava_clicked
if pan_clicked:
lava_message.text = “You now have a cup of lava!”
lava_message.opacity = 1.0
lava_clicked = True
time.schedule(hide_lava_message, 5)

def hide_lava_message():
lava_message.opacity = 0.0

def delete_lasers():
for laser in lasers:
if laser:
scene.remove_item(laser) # Remove the laser item from the scene

def on_lever1_click():
lever1_text.text = “2594”
lever1_text.visible = True
time.schedule(hide_lever1_message, 5)

def hide_lever1_message():
lever1_text.visible = False

def on_lever2_click():
lever2_text.text = “8226”
lever2_text.visible = True
time.schedule(hide_lever2_message, 5)

def hide_lever2_message():
lever2_text.visible = False

def on_power_click():
if lava_clicked and power_interactable:
delete_lasers() # Delete all lasers from the scene

def on_door_1_click():
if key1_clicked and key2_clicked:“Open”)
time.schedule(teleport_player, 3) # Delay the teleportation by 3 seconds after the door opens

Event listeners

if hasattr(twig, ‘input’):

if hasattr(key, ‘input’):

if hasattr(vent, ‘input’):

if hasattr(character, ‘input’):

if hasattr(pan, ‘input’):

if hasattr(volcano, ‘input’):

if hasattr(power, ‘input’):

if hasattr(lever1, ‘input’):

if hasattr(lever2, ‘input’):

Event listeners for key1 and key2

if hasattr(key_1, ‘input’):

if hasattr(key_2, ‘input’):

Event listener for door_1

if hasattr(door_1, ‘input’):

Initial setup

key_message.opacity = 0.0
twig_message.visible = False
info_message.visible = False
pan_message.visible = False

Hi @MrB!

Here’s how I find you would want your code to be like:

from cospaces import *
import math
import random

key_audio = Sound.load("r3/WrMtsxCyIsFjNzFOm6gJZLfXFEYVR3CH9WoIKXbu70M")
door_audio = Sound.load("r3/9qbTPuFnZGmOJ74EP77OwjvJfD8jgm9MuiIcqgDHixz")

key_1 = scene.get_item("OXgabO7x")
key1_clicked = False

key_2 = scene.get_item("5GZ1pZJ6")
key2_clicked = False

door_1 = scene.get_item("YJoVTuyB")
door1_clicked = False

def check_if_switch_scene():
    key_1.speech = "" #Test
    key_2.speech = "" #Test
    door_1.speech = "" #Test
    if key1_clicked and key2_clicked and door1_clicked:

def on_key1_click():
    global key1_clicked
    key1_clicked = True
    key_1.speech = "playing sound" #Test, on_finish = check_if_switch_scene)

def on_key2_click():
    global key2_clicked
    key2_clicked = True
    key_2.speech = "playing sound" #Test, on_finish = check_if_switch_scene)

def on_door_1_click():
    global door1_clicked
    door1_clicked = True
    door_1.speech = "playing sound" #Test, on_finish = check_if_switch_scene)

if hasattr(key_1, 'input'):

if hasattr(key_2, 'input'):

if hasattr(door_1, 'input'):

Here is the sample CoSpace that I used for test:

If this is not what you expected, please directly send the link of your CoSpace so that I can take a look on what is really going on.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

CoRichardLi :heart:

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Hi CoRichard,

Thank you that is what I am looking for!

Much appreciated!