Hello @CoSpaces_Edu
As of the current time, there are still issues with accessing the service. Students are unable to access their class assignments. The school teachers are very flustered as they cannot proceed with their lessons.
Since last Monday, for two weeks straight, there have been consistent issues accessing the Cospaces
from 10 AM to 12 PM Korea Time, causing significant disruptions to the classes.
Korean teachers have been expressing their complaints about the service to me, as I am the reseller.
This time corresponds to 3 AM to 5 AM in German time. It seems that server maintenance is being conducted daily during this period.
I request that this server maintenance time be moved up by about 3 hours. This would mean that access issues would occur from approximately 7 AM to 9 AM Korea Time, and there would be no disruptions during school hours.
I kindly ask for your careful consideration.