Hi CoSpaces Edu team & Italian CoSpacers
I’m really with all the CoSpaces resourses & goodies to ignite our students.
I the badges and would like to organize a special event to reward our students for their progress and competences with CoSpaces here for I created an italian version of the certification. So dear CoSpaces here it is consider it yours.
@Coralie @Stefan @Giuseppe_Schiuma @Bettananni @Prof_Minaudo @Marilena_Ferraro @Profdavid71 @romynit45 @Francesco_Piccolo
Thank you @astrid_hulsebosch! I will print it for our school courses.
Cheers, Giuseppe
Thanks @astrid_hulsebosch.
In italian language it is better to write “Conseguita da” , not “conquistata”.
Could you change it?
Thank you!
I will do this, thanks Elisabetta for the suggestion.
Il file è stato aggiornato ( grazie @Bettananni )
I have developed a new model also available in editable pdf (you can enter the data in the fields).
If you like, I enclose it
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Sorry @Prof_Minaudo what is the difference from the one that made @astrid_hulsebosch?
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@Giuseppe_Schiuma I created it in an editable version with some changes in my opinion closer to our types of certificates but you do
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@astrid_hulsebosch I have already proposed revisions for some time but the change is not immediate and it takes time. Thanks for any availability
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If you like, mark the certificate as a solution, thanks.
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Le abilità / skills sono riferiti ai badge digitali di CoSpaces per cui credo che è meglio non cambiare il termine.
Certificazione è un termine bello, perché i ragazzi hanno dimostrato con delle prove reali l’abilità conseguiti. Magari grazie ad un percorso disegnato dal docente.
Quindi considero le tue modifiche dei dettagli non particolarmente pertinenti.
Non cambiano il senso e sono fedeli all’orginale.
I agree with you @astrid_hulsebosch. Among other things, in our laboratory teaching we speak precisely of skills (a single term that can be translated in Italian into “Capacità/Abilità” or “Competenze”). With Skill as “Capacità o Abilità” we focus on knowing how to do and represent the ability to apply the knowledge learned to solve problems and complete tasks. While translating it with the term “Competenze” we want to focus attention on the ability to combine personal, social and methodological knowledge, skills and abilities and use them in study and personal development, therefore knowing how to be. I think that both of them are important into a Student certification but the first (Capacità/Abilità) is easier to verify and quantify.