Students unable to log in with class code

When students try to log in with the class code, they get, “This class code can’t be joined at the moment because your teacher has no more seats available for new students.” HELP (please) :slight_smile:

Hi @Christopher_Malley can you please contact our support team directly for this and we’ll be able to assist you! You can reach us at thanks!

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This happened to us as well. It’s when the kids race in and go setting up their own account, and then forget their password and create another account and join again, tying up a license seat every time they do .

With 160 year 7s across 6 different timetabled classes, it was a massive headache for us.

My advice to our teachers next year will be: Don’t give the kids the class code until you have verified that each student has logged in correctly.

We are a Microsoft school, but I’d say Google schools are the same; If they’re logged in correctly, you will see the organisation’s name next to the student’s name.

If it’s not there, bin the account and make the student do it again. :slight_smile: