Teachers collaborate to build a scene that they each want to use as an assignment

If teachers would like to build a scene together, but then each use it as an assignment for their own separate classes, how can they do that? (They are not co-teachers with the same students. They have their own separate classes and rosters.) I was thinking that one teacher would have to make a pretend class, the other teachers join as students, and an assignment be posted in there with all teachers assigned to the same group so they can collaborate.

But once they are finished working, will everyone be able to have a copy of the space in their CoSpaces so that it could be turned into an assignment? Or would the creator of the pretend class have to share the space, then everyone remix it, in order to have a copy that they could all use for an assignment?

I wish there was a way to add collaborators to a scene, similar to sharing a Google Doc with someone, so both parties could easily build inside it at the same time!

Thank you!

Hi @Michelle_Recco!

One of the teachers should create a class to allow other teachers to enter as student (I am assuming you know how to do it). The teacher that hosts the class should create an assignment to collaborate a project. Use group mode (i.e. click “Groups of students” at “Who do you want to assign it to?”) and group all the other teachers into a single group. The teacher and the “students” will be able to collaborate. Edits will be immediately synced and seen realtime by all teachers like Google Docs.

When you have finished, each of the teachers can click on the assignment, press the three dots on the bottom right corner of the assignment, and click “Copy to my CoSpaces”. You can find this copy in the CoSpaces slot of the sidebar. Lastly, each teacher can use this collaborated product as assignment by clicking on the three dots on the bottom right corner of the copy then “Use as assignment”. You can choose which class you desire to assign the CoSpace to.

Hope this helps. Don’t forget to check out my publications in the gallery. :slight_smile:
Do reply whether this solves the issue, and mark it as solution if it does.

NixonLiStudentAccount X CoRichardLi :heart: