Updated Path move speed

I’m trying to make a program that has a car follow a set linear path and i have the speed bound to a variable, that variable is changed by pressing the w and s keys. the variable changes but the speed of the car docent change to match the new variable. if anyone knows how to get the speed of the object to update that would be appreciated

Code and map

Hi @SquidOrSqd, great challenge!

You can update the speed, but my current understanding is that in order to do this, you must first stop then restart the transition. See:

The downside is that the startPoint remains the same as when the object was initialised. You could find the nearest path point and select that as the startPoint, but that’s not quite what you had in mind, I know.

You could possibly fudge it by constantly only travelling to the next point, and adding lots of points, so that any speed change is quickly updated.

Hacks they are, and @CoSpaces_Edu devs may have a better solution.

All the best,
Geoff @ TechLeap

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