Short version: I would like to be able to use the sharing link and view a CoSpaces project directly on mobile browser without having to download the application. How can I do that? Thank you
Hi everyone,
My name is Luca and I am a teacher. I am preparing a project to be carried out with my students’ classes for the next year and I have a problem with the viewing of Cospaces projects viewed on mobile browser. I would like to integrate the project that the students will create with Cospaces (a 3D museum) within an Android App developed with Thunkable.
In thunkable there is a perfect component to do this, namely the Web Viewer that allows you to view the url address (and therefore also the link for the sharing related to the CoSpaces project). The problem lies in the fact that on mobile the url link does not directly lead to the project (as it happens on desktop browser) but leads to a different page, where the download and installation of the CoSpace app for mobile is required.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.