Cospaces cannot be used in the morning

Hello @CoSpaces_Edu ,

In Korea, Cospaces cannot be used from 11 AM to 12 PM every day from 3 days ago until today.

11 AM in Korea is 4 AM in Germany.

I know Cospaces was updated recently.
This problem occurs with every update.

I wish Cospaces Team would give us a heads up on the schedule before updating.

I recorded this issue. I can play the works in the gallery normally,
but I cannot edit works in my Cospaces or create new works.

Thank you,

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Hi @Jaewoo we’re sorry you and others have experienced this issue. We’re aware of it and are currently looking at a permanent fix. We’ll update you when we have more info.

Thanks for your patience!

Maybe I have the same problem? I’m in Melbourne, it’s just after 2pm, which is just after 12pm Korea time … things worked fine last night!