Embed URL inside CoSpace


How can I embed an URL (not a Youtube video) to show it inside a CoSpace? Is it possible?

BTW sorry if my question is already answered somewhere else or if it sounds like a request, I really don’t know if this is possible.

Hi @aneontherocks,

To show YouTube videos in you space you can use the YouTube CoBlock which you can find in the events category. The video below shows you how to use it.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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I love the Youtube CoBlock and I think it’s useful. The most important question when we want to embed is to ask if the content is useful to explore in the VR /AR mode, embedding sites , a Padlet or simular thing in Vr doesn’t make sense.
It would be great to have the possibility to embed other CoSpaces. I wish a CoSpaces CoBlock for the next year. Students could realize CoSpaces Portfolios, we could remix digital-storytelling projects, create new kind of exposition and ignite collaboration at 360° ( by example with different schools Etwinning …) and so much more.

EXTRA: Some embedding suggestions / solutions